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Who Wants To Be A Seal?!

Here comes another fad. It was only a matter of time before another potentially harmful and excessive workout routine was going to hit the market. Crossfit is still at the top, yet this new workout fad may actually keep Crossfit around longer due to its incorporation of Crossfit .It was designed to expose the one percent of the one percent.

The program was never designed for the civilian that is looking to lower their blood pressure. How many navy seals do you know just want to lower their blood pressure? Exactly! Probably none, which is a reason why the navy seal program should only be used by the navy seals and not by the general audience. If they want to run their body ragged and go to the brink of death, that’s fine, but any smart trainer would never do that to a client!

This product going main stream is another headache waiting to occur. All I see are destroyed knees, backs, and rhabdomyolysis. Yet, whoever nails the marketing of this new fitness craze is really going to collect!

My understanding so far is that many executives from multiple companies are choosing this program. I believe this comes from wanting to look and feel extra powerful. That’s all great but who’s going to run the company when they are in the hospital bed sick from over exertion?

2 hours of unnecessary jerking and screaming from pain you shouldn’t be feeling doesn’t sound fun. You should never be so tired from a workout that you can’t wipe your runny nose. That is not good for business.

This navy seal program is going to create another blemish for the fitness industry. There’s going to be an unknowledgeable trainer pushing that client to finish the 2 hour exercise and the client is just going to drop dead. Over exertion is bound to happen. This program gives the average individual more excuse to not exercise.

Who wants to exercise for 2 hours? “Not I” said the cat. Let’s keep it simple; leave the extreme for the extreme and the fun for those who want to enjoy their workout.
