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Suffering From Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive movement disorder. This occurs because vital nerve cells in the brain begin to die. Some of the nerve cells that are dying produce dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that sends messages to the area of the brain that controls movement and coordination. As Parkinson’s progresses, the production of dopamine decreases, and this is what creates the inability to control movement normally.

If you or a loved one is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, there are many steps you can take to still lead a happy, fulfilling life. The usual methods of treatment are medication and surgery to manage its symptoms. These methods are extremely beneficial, but there are other things you can be doing as well to help take back control of your body and slow down the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.


Fruits and Vegetables- Fruits and vegetables are essential for someone suffering from Parkinson’s due to their antioxidants. Antioxidants will help your body fight off infections and diseases. More research is needed, but there are many studies suggesting that having a diet high in vitamins C and E may help lower your need for Parkinson’s medication. A few fruits and vegetables particularly high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, red and green bell peppers, strawberries, cantaloupe, broccoli, leafy greens, and tomatoes. A few fruits and vegetables that provide vitamin E include potatoes, blackberries, avocados, parsnips, and mango. Fiber plays a necessary role in fighting Parkinson’s as well and can be found in many of these foods listed.

Coffee and Caffeine- Coffee and caffeine may help prevent the loss of the brain chemical dopamine. Dopamine is the main factor when it comes to controlling Parkinson’s symptoms. Some great examples of caffeine include coffee, chocolate, and green and black teas.

Dairy Products- Since Parkinson’s increases your risk of falling, it’s important to have strong bones. This is where Calcium and vitamin D play a vital role. Some good dairy choices include yogurt, low-fat milk, and cottage cheese. Another option for Calcium and vitamin D is orange juice if you aren’t a dairy lover.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids- These essential fats play an important role in brain function. More research is needed, but these fats are getting a lot of positive feedback when it comes to Parkinson’s. Foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnuts, and canola oil. You can eat flaxseed and walnuts on their own, or you can add them to cereal, yogurt, or baked goods. Canola oil can be used to cook with instead of butter or margarine.


The evidence continues to increase that people suffering from Parkinson’s disease who exercise do much better than those who don’t exercise. Exercising has been known to help people suffering from Parkinson’s stay active and limber. It has also been known to improve motor coordination and balance. Most types of exercise are beneficial for people with Parkinson’s, so it’s fairly simple to choose something you enjoy. Remember, if you enjoy it, you will be more likely to stick with it. Walking, swimming, and yoga are some of the favorite, but there are many more options available as well. Weight training and dance classes are a few more choices when it comes to exercising. They have also been doing research on cycling for people suffering from Parkinson’s and the results are looking pretty promising. Elevating your voice can also become an issue as Parkinson’s progresses, so it’s important that you keep your lungs strong as well. Make sure you practice deep breathing exercises. Not only is exercising important for taking back control of your motor coordination and balance, but it’s also important for keeping a positive mental attitude.

Parkinson’s is an awful disease that affects over 1 million people in America. Fortunately, the methods of treatment are getting much better. Don’t let Parkinson’s take control of your life and your happiness. Along with your doctor’s recommendations for treatment, supplement some of these diet and exercise tips into your daily routine, and hopefully they will make a drastic difference in your life. Just remember your family and friends are always here to support you as well.


One Response to “Suffering From Parkinson’s Disease?”

  1. Judy says:

    Really good information. Thanks.