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Let’s Go Nuts All Day!

I have to ask, do you know what to do to prolong your life….? Time’s up! If you were able to think of something, that’s great; yet there few things you can do to add years to your life. It is said that an individual has control of 50% of their life, which means you can potentially add or subtract years to your life.

That said, the things we can control (sleep, activity, stress, what we eat) can potential add or subtract years to our life. Even more astounding is a well-known snack that could potentially increase your life by an additional 2 years! Guess what, they come in a tin can. Nuts! I know you are probably thinking “really”? Well, there was a study that was funded by the National Institute of Health and carried out by Dr. Charles Fuch, director of the gastrointestinal cancer center at the Dana-Faber Cancer Institute.

This study observed 119,000 Americans over 30 years and the findings concluded that those who consumed nuts regularly decreased their risk of all diseases compared to those who did not consume any. People who ate nuts once a week decreased their risk of mortality by 11 percent. Those who ate nuts about three times a week decreased their mortality by 13 percent.

Lastly, those who ate about 7 servings (about a handful) in a week reduced their chances by an astounding 20 percent! It’s simply awesome! Who knew such a little thing would promote longevity?

The funny thing is that the proof is in the pudding. Nuts are actually very nutrient dense snacks that have fiber, antioxidants, and even vitamins. Also known for its unsaturated fats, nuts have been widely known to reduce heart disease. You see them on the food pyramid, you see them in stores and commercials, yet you should really see them as your everyday snack. 7 servings, one week, do it!
