Every women wants it, and I’m not talking about extra spending money, I’m talking about a tighter, firmer, more amazing ASS! Round is nice, it looks good and it’s pleasing to the eye, square and floppy not so nice. The following are some simple, and not so simple ways to get that better looking butt you always wanted. 5. Incline
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Eating a large amount of carrots can cause your skin to turn orange (FACT/MYTH) Answer: This is a fact. Carrots contain beta carotene, and consuming large amounts of beta carotene has been known to cause your skin to turn a yellowish-orange. Don’t worry though, it’s completely harmless and you would have to consume an extremely large quantity of carrots for
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How long is your day? Well if it’s like my day, it can be quite long. I wake up a little past 7, have my breakfast, and I’m out the door by 8. After weaving through a couple of traffic jams, I reach work by 9 am. 9 hours later I leave work and am home by 6:40. I unwind
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Have you ever noticed that people who work out consistently tend to have a stronger appreciation for themselves? People who are happy with their physical appearance tend to feel good about themselves. Does this mean most gym rats are cocky? Maybe…but I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Most people would agree that looking good would
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There is as new fitness trend starting to gain some popularity and its called “Functional Fitness.” Functional fitness is a type of training that helps make it easier for you to do everyday activities you might do at work or at home. It incorporates a lot of compound movements which focus on core strength, balance, and muscle coordination. The truth
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From the time I was young my parents always told me that I have to wait for the food to digest before I go back out to ride my bike, go swimming, or go to bed. The idea was if you do not give food time for digestion, you will incur some form of an upset stomach or cramps that
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