Archive for the Vegetables Tag

Dangerous Fruits and Vegetables

This is not a blog trying to influence you to stop eating fruits and vegetables; it is only trying to create some awareness. As many of you know, some fruits and vegetables may be poisonous to humans. If you see a random berry growing on a bush, if you’re unfamiliar with the type of berry, you’re most likely not going
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Snack Time!

We are in the dog days of summer knowing that fall is right around the corner. With that said, still trying to maintain that beach body look is still a major priority, right? Keeping off those few extra pounds can be kind of tough, but there is one thing that will help….SNACK! Many people see snack time as something teens
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Turning Good Foods Bad

Everyone knows fruits and vegetables are healthy for us, there is no question about it. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and are even low in calories. Then why is it that so many people who eat their fruits and vegetables are still overweight? There are a few different answers to this question and today I’ll be focusing on
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Spraying Down Your Food

So, you are in your local grocery store and you pick up some celery, rotate it to see if there’s any imperfection, you are satisfied with what you see, so you place it inside your cart. You stroll down the next isle and you see another stalk of celery that’s deformed and ugly but yet has an organic sticker. You
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